Up to: Mika Raento's Symbian Programming pages
Sometimes it happens that there's this feature that you just have to have, but it's not public: there are no headers. Then you realize that most of this information is available in the LIB files!. Here's a brief description of how to get to that info and what to with it (you'll need the dumpbin that comes with Visual C++ 6.0 for this).
If you run dumpbin /all LIBFILE you get a lot of output. Looking at the lines beginning with 'Symbol name', you find the actual exported symbols including the demangled names, like this (from BTENG.LIB):
Symbol name : ?SetPowerStateL@CBTMCMSettings@@QAEHHH@Z ( public: int __thiscall CBTMCMSettings::SetPowerStateL(int,int))
(wrapped for legibility). The demangled name is in parenthesis. It seems now that there is a class CBTMCMSettings with a method SetPowerStateL which has parameters int, int. Not that difficult (of course we don't know what the parameters mean, not yet at least).
You could manually retrieve all the symbols from the dumpbin output, but that's kind of tedious. So I wrote a script: lib_to_h.pl that does that. Just run:
dumpbin /all LIBFILE > DUMPFILE perl lib_to_h.pl DUMPFILE
and you get a new .h (named DUMPFILE=~s/\./_/ ".h") file with all the exported symbols neatly put into class declarations, like this:
#ifndef BTENG_DUMP_H_INCLUDED #define BTENG_DUMP_H_INCLUDED 1 class CBTMCMSettings; ... class CBTMCMSettings { public: ... IMPORT_C int SetPowerStateL(int, int); ... };
(with of course all the other methods and classes as well). Now you just add the needed #includes, add a few enums and mixin-class declarations and off you go.
Probably the easiest way to get the header to work is to remove anything you are not interested in, so that you don't have to fix the declarations those methods/classes rely on.
One library this works particularly well for is PROFILEENGINE.LIB, as that's the only way to get all the settings for the current profile (ringing volume, vibration etc.).
Of course there are a lot of things limitations:
(BTW: to switch the bluetooth power, use SetPowerStateL(ETrue/EFalse, EFalse)
Mika Raento, mikie(at)iki.fi